Matt Giordano
Traveling Yoga Teacher, Handstand Coach and Musician

Early in his life, Matt Giordano found focus and passion through creative outlets; primarily through art, specifically music. He found peace of mind first in meditation, and then, in the asana practice. Accidentally, he found himself teaching a small group of friends and those events grew until he had full rooms. When he committed to teaching yoga, he immersed himself deeply in that world until he realized how unsustainable it was due to the emotional and spiritual drain of teaching too many classes. In order to make yoga sustainable, he began to teach workshops. He made yoga teaching successful by find a niche that he was very passionate about and by learning the secrets of other successful teachers. I hope that you enjoy the first episode of the podcast, Chats from the Mat, yoga inspired conversations with me, Brian Macrae Davis.
If you are interested in getting more information about Matt Giordano, his teaching schedule, instructional videos and more, you can learn more at:
Books mentioned in the podcast:
Effortless Mastery
by Kenny Werner:
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
by Dan Millman
I want to thank one of my personal yoga teacher sponsors, prAna clothing company. They produce Yoga, Travel & Adventure clothes with a conscience. Prana is one of the few companies that provide support for brand new yoga teachers. It is not the successful yoga teachers that need help and support, it is the ones that are starting their teaching career and struggling to make a living. Prana does just that.
Thank you, Zo Leroux for the introduction. Zo is a traveling teacher based loosely in Quebec, Canada.